Basic Interactable Objects
Basic setup of using controllers to be able to pick up and interact with objects
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Basic setup of using controllers to be able to pick up and interact with objects
Last updated
Navigate to the Left Hand Controller in the Hierarchy
Find the XR Ray Interactor component in the Inspector
If there isn't an XR Ray Interactor component, add one
Within XR Ray Interactor component
Disable Anchor Control
Enable Hide Controller on Select
Do the same for Right Hand Controller
Add the XR Grab Interactable component to your object
Note: This will automatically add a Rigidbody component as well
In your Rigidbody component:
Select Continuous Dynamic for your collision detection method
In your XR Grab Interactable component:
Set your movement type to Kinematic
Check on Smooth Position
Check on Smooth Rotation
(Optional) Add a specific Attach point to Model
Make an empty game object named “Attach” as a child of the grabable object.
Transform the Attach game object to the correct orientation using the transform tools
In the XR Grab Interactable component of your object locate the Attach Transform property.
Drag and drop your new Attach object to assign it to the Attach Transform property.