XMAPortal : How to upload files

File Requirement:

Prior to file upload to XMAPortal: make sure that all your file names contain ONLY alphanumeric, underscore, dash and space characters (do no use characters such as: &@#$% etc.). For other helpful tips see Data Curation Best Practices from Brown University Library.

Browser Requirement:

1) Use the most current version of Firefox or Chrome browser.

To see what version of Firefox you are using: click the ≡ icon in the upper right hand corner of your browser, then "Help" and then click "About Firefox. If it needs updating, please update.

To see what version of Chrome you are using: click the ≡ icon in the upper right hand corner of your browser, then "Help" and then click "About Google Chrome. If it needs updating, it updates automatically.

2) Prior to file upload, please make sure to disable your browser's hardware acceleration. Instructions:

Firefox: disable hardware acceleration in Firefox after doing this, you need to restart Firefox

Chrome: disable hardware acceleration in Chrome after doing this, you need to restart Chrome

3) Set any computer that you plan to use for uploads into Never Sleep mode. Uploads can take hours and will be interrupted if the computer goes to sleep.

Uploading files to the XMA Portal consists of two parts:

(1) set all your files to bulk upload to a temporary "Temp Area" on the server, and

(2) once your files have been uploaded to "Temp", then you have to go and set metadata for the files, and then import them to the permanent storage.

Part (1) How to Upload Files to Temp:

Notice: Use the correct URL for XMA Portal: http://xmaportal.org (for Sandbox http://xmaportal.org/sandbox). Please delete any old bookmark that you may have that have the old URL xromm.ccv.brown.edu

Use the most current version of Firefox or Chrome browser.

Set any computer that you plan to use for uploads into Never Sleep mode. Uploads can take hours and will be interrupted if the computer goes to sleep.

If you have problem using the new file uploader please try clearing your browser history .

Click on Add Files button to select files to be uploaded to Temp Area, or Drag & Drop files (not directories). If you have DICOM files, please zip them into one single zip file and then add this one single zip file to the upload window.

At upload time, some automatic metadata extraction from the file name, is employed: if file name contains the letters "cam" followed by a single or two digit number the camera number will be set automatically if file name contains the letters "grid" or"cube" it will be get the category XCalibGrid and XCalibObject, respectively. if file name contains the letters "vis" it will be get the category VisMovie. If a file has extensions .cine or .avi and the file name doesn't contain grid, cube or vis then it will be assigned as category XMovie. When you have selected the files you want to upload to the server, then press the Upload All Files button, or if you want to upload your files one by one then use the Upload button shown in front of each file. If you want to remove a file from the upload window, just press then Cancel button shown in front of that file.

A screencast showing the process of uploading files to Temp Area: (click on the thumbnail to see a larger window, Do Shift+reload page to start the animation from the beginning.)

If you are uploading large files: PLEASE BE PATIENT, the upload process will take a while, do not close the window, or browse to other pages.

After all your files have been uploaded to Temp Area correctly (green check mark in front of each file) then go to "Save to Permanent Storage" to attach metadata and then import your files to the permanent storage. While a file is in "Temp Area" it can be deleted, go to "Save to Permanent Storage", check the checkbox of the file you want to have deleted, then click on the small trash-can icon on the far left (black table header).

Once a file has been imported to the permanent storage it can not be deleted.

Part (2) How to assign metadata to files uploaded toTemp Area and Save Files to Permanent Storage

Metadata can be set for several files at once, or based on file category.

If you have a zip file of DICOM files please select category "3DVol" (no trial or camera need to be set for this category).

Also at upload time, some automatic metadata extraction from the file name, is employed: if file name contains the letters "cam" followed by a single or two digit number the camera number will be set automatically if file name contains the letters "grid" or"cube" it will be get the category XCalibGrid and XCalibObject, respectively. if file name contains the letters "vis" it will be get the category VisMovie. If a file has extensions .cine or .avi and the file name doesn't contain grid, cube or vis then it will be assigned as category XMovie.

A screencast showing the processes: setting metdata, deleting a file from temp area and saving files into permanent storage is available here : (click on the thumbnail to see a larger window, Do Shift+reload page to start the animation from the beginning.) )

As long as your cine,avi or stacked tiff files are in "Temp Area" you will not be able to preview those movie files on the portal, but once your files have been saved to permanent storage, then your files will be added to the the movie creation queue and within a few minutes you will be able to see the preview as usual.

Notice, our Temp Area capacity is limited, so you need to provide metadata and save your files into permanent storage within 30 days of upload to "Temp Area", otherwise your files will be removed from the Temp Area.

Last updated

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